Making the intangible manageable - is there a formula to merge research findings with local governance focusing on climate change adaptation?

Dr. Lotta Andersson, Swedish Meteorological & Hydrological Institute, Sweden.

Dr. Andersson has a background in catchment modeling with emphasis on the use of models as facilitators in stakeholder dialogues related to reducing nutrient loads and adapting to climate change. She was one of the initiators of the MIRACLE project in 2013, and is now mainly active as a knowledge broker in the field of climate adaptation at the National Knowledge Centre for Climate adaptation at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. Dr. Andersson has been coordinating the work with the climate adaptation strategy for the Baltic Sea, as well as the "checkpoint 2015" on climate adaptation in Sweden - a governmental mission to guide Swedish climate adaptation polices.  At present she is leading a project on the use of serious gaming to make climate change tangible for, e.g. high-school students and local politicians.  She is also an adjunct Professor at Linköping University. ------------------

Nitrogen Trading – modelling principles from Australia’s Great Barrier Reef: parallels and contrasts with the Baltic 

Dr Jim Smart – Senior Lecturer, Australian Rivers Institute & School of Environment, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.

Jim Smart has a background in Environmental Economics & Management. His main research interests in catchment management, ecosystem services assessment and environmental valuation - and focused towards the economics of water quality management. Jim has extensive experience on  research developing economic approaches for managing nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment in temperate, sub-tropical and tropical catchments in the UK, Scandinavia and Australia. ---------------

Improving participation and the cost-effectiveness of agricultural pollution control programs through the use of Pay-for-Performance Conservation

Dr. Jon Winsten, Winrock International, USA

Dr. Winsten is an agricultural economist with experience working at the interface of agriculture and the environment.  His focus has been on the issues of water quality and climate change, particularly incentive mechanisms for improving environmental performance at the farm-level, as well as agri-environmental policy analysis and design. As a Senior Program Officer for Winrock International, Dr. Winsten leads the Pay-for-Performance Conservation Initiative, which includes projects across North America. He has also worked extensively on rotational grazing and sustainable livestock production systems in the U.S., the Caribbean, and Central Asia.---------------

Assessment of the needed increase in nitrogen use efficiency in European agricultural soils in view of water quality

Prof. Wim de Vries

Prof. Dr. Ir. Wim de Vries is a principal research scientist at Wageningen University and Research in the field of soil chemistry with special reference to soil acidification, nutrient cycling, greenhouse gas emissions and heavy metal pollution. He is also professor at the Environmental Systems Analysis Group of Wageningen University where he holds the chair "Integrated nitrogen impact modelling”. His research is organized around impacts of the elevated use of nutrients in agriculture on soil and water quality, greenhouse gas emissions, productivity and plant species diversity of terrestrial ecosystems and related critical loads.---------------------

Integrated scenarios for land use, socio-economic and climate changes

Dr. Kasper Kok - Wageningen University, the Netherlands

Dr. Kasper Kok is Assistant Professor of the chair group Soil Geography and Landscape at Wageningen University. He spends most of his time developing integrated, multi-scale scenarios particularly related to climate mitigation and adaptation. His key interest is in improving (multi-scale) methodologies, using qualitative and semi-quantitative methods in a participatory setting. He is involved in a number of EC-funded projects dealing with state-of-the-art scenario development in Europe and Latin America.-------------

Innovating Policy for Effective and Efficient Control of Nutrient Pollution: Challenges and Paths Forward 

James Shortle | Penn State College of Agricultural Science, USA

His research focuses on the design of economic incentives for managing environmental externalities. A second interest is integrated assessment for environmental decision making. Applications address water resources, agri-environmental policy and climate change. Current research projects examine economic and policy design issues for nutrient pollution and stormwater management as well as integrated assessment models for climate change.------------------


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